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Robertson Barracks

Dereham, Norfolk


The future of Robertson Barracks

The barracks will close in 2031 and will be prepared for redevelopment following closure. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is therefore starting to consider the feasibility of potential development opportunities for the future. Alongside this, we have also been engaging with Breckland District Council as part of their Local Plan Process and we have put Roberton Barracks forward for consideration as a potential strategic site in the Local Plan. This is to ensure that any development that comes forward in the future is carefully planned and supports their aspirations for development in the area.


We will hold our consultation to discuss the future of the site once the Council has concluded their next stage of public consultation on the Local Plan. We are keen to involve the villages surrounding the barracks as we start to develop a masterplan for the site and will notify the local community once our consultation plans are confirmed.

Breckland District Council is in the process of reviewing its Local Plan. As part of this review, the Council consulted the community on the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan over the summer. For further information on the draft Local Plan timetable, you can visit Breckland District Council’s website by clicking here

The opportunity

The site has been identified by Breckland District Council as one of three potential strategic sites. The Council consulted the local community on these options in June and July 2024.

This recognises the potential for the barracks, as a substantial brownfield site in the district, to deliver new development which could include new homes, employment, recreational or community uses.

The DIO will explore the scale of development and possible future uses in collaboration with the council, key stakeholders and the community.

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Continuing the legacy of community at Robertson Barracks

Development of the site could help to:

  • Deliver well-planned growth with a new local centre that complements neighbouring villages.
  • New infrastructure and services to meet local needs, such as a shop.
  • Build a mix of new homes for all ages to create a sustainable and inclusive community, including a mix of tenures and sizes, and affordable homes.
  • Support economic growth through innovative employment uses linked to agriculture and tourism.
  • Create new jobs.
  • Open up the currently inaccessible site to the public with enhanced connections through the site to the surrounding villages.
  • Celebrate the natural setting with rewilding and access to more green space and enhanced playing fields.
  • Repurpose existing buildings on site to deliver alternative community or employment uses.
  • Celebrate the military heritage of the barracks, in consultation with the local community.

Working with Breckland District Council

The DIO is working with Breckland District Council to undertake a feasibility assessment. This assessment will consider the key issues and provide evidence on the suitability of the site for inclusion in the Local Plan.

In the meantime, if you have a question for us or would like to provide us with any comments, please contact Cascade Communications, our community engagement consultant on:

Email –

Phone – 0207 871 3565

If you would like to contact the Ministry of Defence directly, please e-mail

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